
Now I do not know if you are a ‘dog person’ or not…. but if you are anything like me you probably are.  Which therefore means… puppies make your heart melt.  (yes baby animals and men playing guitars, you just can’t help it)

I’ve often joked about kidnapping people’s dogs, strangers or not.  Since I can not currently own a dog myself, yes you guessed it, it is frowned upon by the OTC.  And lets face it, you can’t really cuddle up with a fish…  And so.  For now.  I borrow.  have play dates with.  and jokingly threaten to kidnap. other people’s dogs.

And I’m pleased to announce that for the week I have done just that!  Getting my puppy dog fix.  The house I stay at when I compete or train in Minnesota has two dogs.  Loveable, wiggly, furry, cuddle monsters.  You could say we hit it off.  It was love at first butt wiggle.  And since northern minnesota is such a ‘happening’ place…. they have slowly become my sole/soul companions.

Jasper and Cedar.  My surrogate amigos.

Now I have a question… Are pets like children?  Are you not allowed to have a favorite?  Honestly I do not know how parents do it.  Jasper and I have known each other for a while.  (the love runs deep) but now there is the new puppy Cedar.  And I love Jasper, but Cedar is so little and wiggly and cute.  …not that Jasper isn’t cute… back and forth back and forth.  Maybe I’ll understand it some day down the road when I have my own children… or pets?  Maybe I should start with plants…

5 thoughts on “Puppies

  1. Radek, CZE says:

    Everybody should love all children the same way. With dogs it is different. You can love one of your dogs more but they cannot know it. In the case of men playing guitar some girl-friend will advise you better than me. Fortunately I have no experience with it, I always have heard that I am the only one.

  2. kellykj says:

    Awwwwww!!!!! My puppies! So glad you’re giving them lots of love for me. Please do not kidnap them, I’m quite fond of them. I don’t think I could pick a favorite either… Jasper is a gentleman and a scholar, whereas Cedar is a constant ball of energy and fun. Impossible to choose.
    Good luck this weekend chick! Wish I could be there.

    • cmalcolm says:

      kkkkkelly! I am giving your puppies all my love. I have ‘pet names’ for them (no pun intended) I spend much of my nontraining hours on the floor either wrestling or playing fetch… I always start out with the intention of stretching and then they come and sit on me. I however do not fight it. Wish you were here girly, I’ll try and kick booty for you! (but you have to promise to kill it up in da AK!)

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